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Join Data Equity Bank

Join as a member or aid your city in creating its own Data Equity Bank, guaranteeing your community's prosperity amidst the age of automation.

Data Equity Bank co-op

Ushering an era of Hyper Personalized Automation Economy

Faster Professional Growth

Faster access to jobs

High Impact Training

Personalized Education 

Preemptive Health Care

Proactive detection of health and wellbeing concerns.

Relevant Customer Experience

Ultra-customized experiences spanning travel, shopping, fitness, entertainment, relationships, and more.

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 Data Equity Bank

Contextual Intelligence Data
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Safer Neighborhood

Proactive deterrence of crime and enhanced civic assistance. .

Utilizing your Contextual Intelligence Data, businesses and agencies, with your consent, can gain unprecedented insights into your skills, needs , and motivations.

Vision 2027

To setup 1000+ Data Equity Banks Worldwide.


Secure the masses against automation by reducing reliance on labor-based wages and counteracting job loss. Diminishing economic disparity by redistributing automation profits.


Produce Next Generation Individual Data, Share Automation Profits.

Data Equity Bank co-op
Control Monetizaton
Deposit Data

Utilize tools to safely gather Contextual Interaction Data within realistic VR simulations."

Monetize your data instantly, and manage enterprise access to your anonymized insights.

Receive recurring income
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Capitalize on the power of collective data to gain equity in automation profits, anticipated to reach trillions.

Data Wages For Everyone.

Data Equity Bank co-op

Data Equity Bank shields human livelihood in the age of automation by enabling individuals to produce and own instantly monetizable data, resulting in recurrent revenue that grows over time.

Wages earned by machines
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